Our history
Lamar Udine thanks to its thirty-year experience in the reinforced plastics sector and in realization of tanks together with equipment and accessories for aquaculture is able to offer wide range of constantly updated items and from year to year new ones are added to.
We must count among our customers the most important Italian universities, Institutes of Research fishery offices, public and private aquaria, breeding farms, live fish transporters.
The production of Lamar Udine marks out the high quality of items, as a guarantee of it we attend the“Capitolato” (standard specifications) for all methods of stratification and characteristics of materials used.
Our competence is highly recognised by our customers and obtained thanks to the experience and professional nature of all team members that actively cooperate for the improvement of all products and growing of the firm.
Technologies and Materials
The materials we use consist of fibreglass reinforced plastics together with compound materials which, compared to the traditional ones, present undeniable advantages as: light-weight, resistance, longevity showing smooth and non-toxic surfaces.
All accessories for tanks and all other manufactured items are made of high quality materials suitable for the use in the sector (PVC, stainless steel etc….).
Tanks and all other manufactured items are used for birth, weaning, growing up, storage and transport of all different finfish species as well as for production of phyto and zooplankton.
All items can likewise be built in different forms.
Moreover thanks to the flexibility in production and to the adopted technologies, Lamar Udine is able to manufacture made-to–measure products according to the customers’ request together with the technical support, where necessary, for a better realization of the design.
Our products
Lamar Udine s.r.l.
P.IVA 02762860308
Strada di S. Martino, 28
33047 Remanzacco (UD) – Italy
Telefono 0432-66.78.66
Fax 0432-66.85.00